Welcome to Skip's Cards! You have reached our blog where we will discuss anything and everything related to sports, sports cards, pop culture, and whatever strikes us. Have a topic in mind? Just send a note to us at [email protected] or comment below. The point is to have fun talking about our favorite topics.
Looking for something Animal related? Check out Judi's Favorite Animals Blog! You can find it in the links to the left.
Thank you for checking us out and if there is ever anything you're looking for that you don't see on our site, just let me know...I either have it or will find it for you. :-)
Looking for something Animal related? Check out Judi's Favorite Animals Blog! You can find it in the links to the left.
Thank you for checking us out and if there is ever anything you're looking for that you don't see on our site, just let me know...I either have it or will find it for you. :-)